Are you an individual or corporate donor based in Germany and and looking to make a cross-border donation to a European non-profit organisation in a secure and tax-efficient manner?
Transnational Giving Europe and our German partner foundation – the Maecenata Stiftung can help you to do so.

CONTACT: Ms Marie-Christine Schwager [email protected] (+ 4930 283 87 909)
OPTIONS FOR DONATIONS: Online (via PayPal, Credit Card, Sofort., Direct Debit) at or bank transfer (Account Details at For Beneficiaries we provide individual links to our online form by request.Please remember in all your donations by bank transfer to include the structured communication<< TGE-NAME OF THE BENEFICIARY-COUNTRY OF THE BENEFICIARY >>
MINIMUM DONATION AMOUNT: Depends on payment method
- Bank Transfer (in EUR): no minimum required (no fees)
- sofort/Klarna: minimum € 5 (no fees)
- PayPal: minimum € 10 (fees: 1,4% + 20ct)
- Credit Card: minimum € 10 (1,25% + 25ct)
- Direct Debit: minimum € 10 – € 10.000 (9 ct)
- Bank Transfer (in CHF/USD/GBP): due to banking fees (€12,50 – €250) it only makes sense for larger donations. Please contact us.
DONATION TRANSFER TIME: Automatically, donations are transferred as lump sum on a quarterly basis in January (Q4), April (Q1), July (Q2), October (Q3). Special transfers of single donations by request are possible.
EMISSION OF FISCAL RECEIPTS: Maecenata Stiftung issues tax receipts within the month after the arrival of the donation, or in the case of regular donors, an annual tax receipt in January.
REPORTING TO BENEFICIARIES: The donations received (via bank transfer) are transferred to the database monthly. Reports are provided with the transfer of funds without request or as special report by request (for the current month only information on specific individual donations are possible.)
Donations can be made in EUR/USD/CHF/GBP (Donors should contact the Maecenata team in case of a donation in another currency than Euro).
Tax receipts will be sent automatically the month after the donation arrived on the Maecenata bank account for donations from 300€ upwards. For donations up to 300€, a simple receipt is sufficient together with a bank statement. (Download the simple receipt at